Orkestar Bez Ime

The return of Martenitsa, too!

Red, white, and black graphic with and old-style microphone and show information for Martenitsa on March 1, 2025

Folks have been asking since the pandemic when OBI will do another Martenitsa to celebrate spring, Bulgarian-style. Well, fans are in luck: The Bulgarian school is hosting Martenitsa this year, and it’s at a new venue: The Granada Theater in Uptown! The evening will start at 7pm with Makam Baklava,[…]

The return of SNOPA in 2025

Gig graphic for OBI at SNOPA 2025

This small, but mighty international dance winter weekend used to be an annual opportunity to hunker down somewhere in the woods of Minnesota and play a night of Balkan party music for some of our most steadfast supporters. As with many things, the pandemic (remember that?) put a damper on[…]

Show cancellation, how best to support live music

Hi, OBI friends and fans. We’re sad to say our Sept 29th show at Crooners Supper Club has been cancelled for now, due to low ticket sales. This fall seems to be especially tricky for live music, and we’re not the only ones experiencing this. We’re looking for a future[…]

Celebrate our album release April 6!

OBI Album release party graphic for April 6, 2024

On the heels of celebrating our 21st birthday in December, we now celebrate the birth of our first album in ten years — the aptly named “21” — by returning to Celtic Junction on Saturday, April 6. (Fun fact: OBI’s previous album was recorded live on CJ’s stage in 2014!)[…]

OBI at Tapestry Fall Dance Party

OBI once again is happy to participate in Tapestry’s annual Fall Dance Party. Bring your dancing shoes and enjoy an evening with three hours of Balkan Party Music!

OBI on a Stick! Day 2 at the Fair

Is there anyone you’d rather spend your Labor Day with than Orkestar Bez Ime? … … … We’ll take that as a YES! Join us for our sets at 10:45am, noon, and 1:15pm on the International Bazaar Stage. Let’s celebrate the last day of wearing socially acceptable white shoes for[…]

OBI on a Stick! Day 1 at the State Fair

You may be wondering, “How has it taken this long for Orkestar Bez Ime to be featured at the Fair?” Well, we don’t have a solid answer, but we’re thrilled to have been asked—so much so that we’re doing it for two days! Join us for our sets at 10:45am[…]

OBI returns to Crooners for music and stories

We had such an incredible audience and great show at our first Crooners Supper Club appearance in July that they quickly asked us back! Please join us for a “listening room special” where OBI members pepper personal stories behind the music we play throughout the set. Even if you came[…]

A special OBI stories-and-music show at Crooners

We’ve had several of our fans ask when we’ll perform at the illustrious Crooners Supper Club in Fridley, and we’ve had a hard time answering, as the awesome folks at Crooners are very clear that shows there are curated for listening rooms (i.e., no dancing—tricky for a dance-oriented band like[…]

OBI at Ivana Kupala

To celebrate the summer solstice Ukrainian-style as a big community, our pals from Ukrainian Village Band have invited several artists—including OBI—to perform this year for Ivana Kupala, a weekend full of beloved, ancient pagan rituals. Want to make a fabulous flower head wreath and send it downriver for your beloved[…]