Orkestar Bez Ime


Mahala Drive

CD $10 (+s&h), Digital $7

  • Release: 20 Jan, 2010


The long-awaited follow-up to our “Nice Driveway” trilogy. Orkestar Bez Ime returns with a darker, more Romany-infused album.

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  • (Romany)

    Te Aven Baxtale

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      Haj, haj, Devla, Devla so kerdyom.
      Pala, Devla, Devla matilyom.
      // T’aven, t’aven baxtale, ol bare haj
      ol tikne,
      Murro trajo luludyi ande ratyi. //
      Haj(de), romnyej, romnyej te zhas,
      The has te pijas haj te gilyabas.
      Deman, Devla adyes te trajisau,
      Le hurde, bare ka te dikhau.
      Deman, Devla, Devla sastipe,
      Le romnyake haj le xurdorre.

      (God, what have I done,
      Again, Lord, I’ve become drunk
      // May you be lucky, grownups
      and children,
      My life is like a flower in the night. //
      Come, woman, let’s go,
      To eat and drink and sing.
      Give me, Lord, today to live,
      So I may see the small ones grow up.
      Give me, Lord, good health,
      For the woman and the children.)

  • (Romania)


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      Hop hop și iară-ș hop
      Cu opinca hai la joc
      Hop hop, hop și iară-ș hop
      Hai cu tofa fără dop…măiii…ah
      Ui-ce, ui-ce, ui-ce da
      Joc cu mîndra, mîndra mea
      Haida, haida, nu lăsa măi
      Joacă mîndra joacă bine…
      Hai, hai și iară-ș hai
      Cu opinca merg în rai
      Hop hop, hop și iara-ș hop
      Vino mîndro vi la joc…măiii…ui-ce
      Hop Hop și iar așa
      Iară, Iară…sus cu ea!!!!
      Ui-ce, ui-ce, ui-ce…da!
      Șî-ncodată iar asa…măi
      Ui ui hă hă…da-o măi
      Vai de mi opinca mea
      Ca e ruptă bine da
      Joc cu mîndra la olaltă
      Și vecina cît odată
      Ui-ce, ui-ce, ui-ce așa
      Ui-ce, ui-ce, ui-ce fată
      Și la mine cît odată
      Hai, hai și iar la joc
      fie de noroc
      Hai hai opinca mea
      Joacă bine joacă da
      Hopa așa...ui-ce așa
      Vai de mi opinca mea
      Așa de bine stau cu ea
      Ca să joc și iar să joc
      Pîn-o sta soarele-n loc
      Joacă bine joacă da...măiiii
      Asta-i jocu, jocu nostru
      Să-l jucăm și peste postu
      Hai hai opinca mea
      Șa de bine stau cu ea
      Merge bine si frumos
      Parc-ăm scri-ea pe jos
      Vai de mi soareci mei
      Cum sa uite la femei
      Și femeile la ei
      Dar nu stie ce-s în ei
      Ui-ce, Ui-ce
      Hop, hop și iar joc
      Chiar așa…hop așa
      Joacă bine joacă da
      Hop, hop, hop și iară-ș hop
      Să ne fie de noroc!

      (Hop, hop…and again hop
      with my “opinca” let’s go dance
      hop, hop…and again hop
      let’s go with “flask/bottle” without a cork
      look, look, look, yes
      I dance with my sweetheart, my girl
      let’s go, let’s go…don’t stop
      Dance my darling, dance well
      hai, hai and again hai
      with my “opinca” I go to Heaven
      hop, hop…and again hop
      come my darling, come and dance…look!!!
      hop, hop…and again hop!
      again, again…up with it!
      look, look, look…yes!
      and again, just like that…mai
      Ui ui ha ha…let it go!
      Oh my goodness my opinca
      how worn out it really is
      I dance along side my sweetheart
      And my neighbor girl a little bit too
      look, look, look, like this
      look, look, look my girl
      and at me every now and then
      Let’s go and again let’s dance
      so that we may have good luck
      Let’s go my “opinca”
      Dance well, dance for sure
      Hop like this…look like this
      Oh my goodness, my opinca
      Oh how well it fits me
      so I can dance and gain to dance
      until the sun stops moving
      dance well, dance for sure….maiii
      This is a dance, this is our dance
      Let’s dance it even after lent
      hai, hai my opinca
      look how well it fits me
      it moves so well and beautifully
      as if it can write on the ground
      Oh my goodness, my wide pants
      how they look at the women
      and the women back at them
      but they don’t know what’s inside of them
      look-it, look-it!
      hop, hop and again hop
      just like this…hop like this
      dance well, dance for sure
      hop, hop, hop and again hop
      So that we may have good luck!)

  • (Romanian Rom)


  • (Macedonia)

    More čičo reče

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      More, čičo reče da me ženi
      more, čera reče sega nek’e
      // More, čera reče sega nek’e
      a pa strina Sava ič ne dava. //
      More, ne davaše, ne davaše
      // More, najposle se saglasiše, //
      more, mi zgodiše bela Neda.
      More, bela, bela kako Arapka,
      more, tûnka tûnka kako mečka.
      More, kačeše ja na kolata
      more, a kolata prikrcaja.
      // More, a kolata prikrcaja,
      more bivolite primrcaja. //
      More, koga Neda potegliše
      more, do dve daske se skršiše.
      // More, do dve daske se skršiše,
      more, bivolite s’uplašiše. //

      (Uncle said he would marry me off
      yesterday he said so, now he doesn’t want to.
      Yesterday he said so, now he doesn’t want to;
      and Aunt Sava won’t agree to it at all.
      They wouldn’t agree and wouldn’t agree,
      // And finally they did agree. //
      They betrothed fair Neda.
      She’s as fair as an Arab,
      as thin as a bear.
      They put her in the carriage;
      the carriage started to creak.
      // The carriage started to creak,
      the buffalo staggered along (pulling it). //
      When they got going with Neda in it,
      it broke in two.
      // It broke in two,
      and the buffalo were frightened. //)

  • (Albabia)

    Camel Walk (Valle popullore)

  • (Bosnia)

    Karanfile cvijeće moje

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      // Karanfile, cvijeće moje //
      // Da sam Bogd’o, sje me tvoje //
      // Ja bih znala gdje bih cvala: //
      // Mom dragome pod pendžere. //
      // Kad moj dragi idi spati, //
      karanfilće mirisati
      a moj dragi uzdisati.

      (Carnation, my flower,
      If God had made me into your seeds
      Then I would know where to bloom:
      Under the windows of my loved one,
      When my darling goes to sleep,
      carnations will smell
      and he will sigh.)

  • (Bulgaria and Macedonia)

    Sandansko horo

  • (Bosnia)

    Moj dilbere

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      Moj dilbere, kud se šećeš?
      Što i mene ne povedeš?
      Povedi me u čaršiju,
      Pa me prodaj bazadžanu.
      Uzmi za me oku zlata,
      Pa pozlati dvoru vrata.

      (My cavalier, where are you going?
      Why don’t you take me with you?
      Take me to the old town,
      we can haggle with the merchants there.
      Buy me a kilo of gold,
      So we can gild our courtyard gates.)

  • (Macedonia)

    Makedonsko devojče

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      Makedonsko devojče, kitka šarena,
      vo gradina nabrana, dar podarena.
      Da li ima n’ovoj beli svet,
      po’ubavo devojče od Makedonče?
      Nema, nema ne ke se rodi,
      po’ubavo devojče od Makedonče!
      Nema zvezdi polični, od tvojte oči.
      Da se noče na nebo,
      denke razdeni.
      Koga kosi raspletiš, kako koprina,
      lična si i polična, od samovila.
      Koga pesna zapeje, slavej nad peje.
      Koga ora zaigra,
      sârce razigra.

      (Macedonian girl, a colorful bouquet,
      Picked in the garden, given as a gift.
      Is there in this big wide world,
      A girl more beautiful than a Macedonian?
      There isn’t, there isn’t, never will be born,
      a girl more beautiful than a Macedonian!
      There are no stars brighter than your eyes.
      If they were in the sky at night,
      there would be daylight.
      When you unbraid your hair, like silk,
      you’re beautiful, more beautiful than a fairy.
      When she sings a song, she outsings a nightingale.
      when she starts to dance,
      she makes your heart dance with joy.)

  • (Moldova)

    Hora mare Moldoveneasca

  • (Romania... mostly)

    Hora Swing

  • (Rogaria)

    MacAulay's Reel

  • (Romania)

    Romanian Lullaby (Mama cînd mo legănat)

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      // Mama cînd mo legănat, //
      // Numai de dor mio cîntat. //
      // Mio cîntat de dor șio plîns, //
      // Dorul de mine so prins. //
      // De cînd dorul la inima, //
      Numai am nici o hodină,
      Nici la prînz și nici la cină.
      // Cîte doruri leles grele, //
      // Toates pă braţăle mele. //
      // Dar nu moare de bătrîn, //
      // Nu ști dorul de cei bun. //
      // Dar eu știu că lam purtat, //
      // De cînd mama mio cîntat. //

      When mama rocked me,
      She only sang to me of longing.
      She sang to me of longing and I cried,
      And longing took me.
      Since then I carry longing to my heart,
      And I have no respite,
      Neither during the day nor in the evening.
      So many hard longings are severe,
      All are on my arms.
      One dies from old age,
      You don’t know what good it is.
      But I know that I carried it,
      Since mama sang of it to me.