Orkestar Bez Ime


Back Catalog Listening Party features Mahala Drive

YouTube screenshot of OBI on Back Catalog Listening Party

We love that there’s a locally brewed way-back-machine YouTube series that takes a deep dive into artists’ older albums: Back Catalog Listening Party (BCLP), hosted by Anthony Ihrig and Mother Banjo, was born of the pandemic-era need to stay connected with artists and support their work during lockdown when no one could[…]

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Season's Greetings from Orkestar Bez Ime

Many of you have been asking about when OBI will be back to live shows. Though our answer will be primarily determined by the state of the pandemic, we wanted to—in the meantime—share with you a collection of videos in December and January from our 2019 holiday show at the[…]

MN Original & Guests in Absentia for November Black Dog

If you’ve been following us on Facebook, you will have heard that the episode we filmed for MN Original was finally aired in October! We’re quite excited to have had the opportunity to be featured alongside two vibrant fine artists in the Twin Cities arts community. You can check out the[…]