Orkestar Bez Ime


OBI turns old enough to drink

It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating our band’s Sweet 16, and already we’re here—about to celebrate the big 21! (We’ve never been ones to celebrate on the fives.) We’ve been doing a ton of work behind the scenes to pull off what promises to be an excellent birthday[…]

OBI Turns Old Enough to Drive!: Our Sweet 16

Where has the time gone? We keep talking about how OBI started in 2002, but…that was 16 YEARS AGO! Though we don’t quite remember the official date of our birth, we’re nearly sure it was in December, so we’re celebrating our band’s 16th birthday at our monthly 3rd Wednesday series[…]

OBI 3rd Wednesday & Natalie’s Birthday Party

Hi, all! Natalie here. My bandmates were kind enough to let me Bogart our monthly 3rd Wednesday series for April because it is the actual day I celebrate A MILESTONE BIRTHDAY! Which milestone? Well, you’ll have to attend to find out. You might notice by the event image that this might get[…]