Orkestar Bez Ime


OBI turns old enough to drink

It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating our band’s Sweet 16, and already we’re here—about to celebrate the big 21! (We’ve never been ones to celebrate on the fives.) We’ve been doing a ton of work behind the scenes to pull off what promises to be an excellent birthday[…]

Wishing Liz well on her musical adventures

Liz Draper playing upright bass at the Schooner Tavern

Since 2018, OBI has had the distinct pleasure to work with one of the Twin Cities’ most in-demand bass players, Liz Draper. She’s so in-demand, in fact, that her musical adventures are now taking her all over the world, with touring under her belt for the likes of Charlie Parr,[…]

We’re back, and we’re helping

With the exception of a couple of summertime gigs last year, OBI has largely been on hiatus due to the pandemic and concerns for our immunocompromised members. However, as COVID becomes a more regular part of our collective lives and we learn to live in this new normal, we’re slowly[…]

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Season's Greetings from Orkestar Bez Ime

Many of you have been asking about when OBI will be back to live shows. Though our answer will be primarily determined by the state of the pandemic, we wanted to—in the meantime—share with you a collection of videos in December and January from our 2019 holiday show at the[…]

OBI Series at Schooner Canceled

Hey, OBI friends and fans. For various reasons, OBI has decided to cancel what would have been our post-pandemic return series at the Schooner Tavern in Minneapolis. This past year has seen a lot of changes in our world, and we continue to adjust accordingly, even if it means making[…]

OBI is back!

Friends, we’re glad you’re here. And we’re glad to be back with you as well. Can we all take a deep collective breath together? Yes, just like that. Ok. If you follow us regularly, you may be wondering whatever happened to OBI after lockdown began in March of 2020—we know[…]