Orkestar Bez Ime


“Unveiled” to be Unveiled 11.20.14

Those of you who joined us last March at The Celtic Junction might remember that we had a pretty amazing show. Not only was the house packed, but we also got to premier some new compositions thanks to a grant from the American Composers Forum. The product of that show—an[…]

Look for OBI Events on Facebook for Now

OBI has recently learned that the third-party site that feeds our “SHOWS” page with event listings will be offline and out-of-business as of July 9. This means that you might not see any shows listed on that page until our developers have created a workaround, which may take some time.[…]

We Have More Shows Than Listed in “SHOWS”!

Through a curious technological malfunction on Hear It Local (the website OBI uses to post our shows, which are then automatically embedded on our “SHOWS” page), some of our performances—especially those more “off the grid”—can’t be entered properly into the system. The system administrators of Hear It Local have been[…]

OBI Unveils *Six New Compositions* 3/29!

If it wasn’t for sure before, it certainly is now: Orkestar Bez Ime is officially a band of composers! Thanks to OBI receiving the peer-nominated Minnesota Emerging Composer Award from the American Composers Forum, we’re unveiling six new compositions Saturday, March 29 at Celtic Junction. You’ll hear the new folk-influenced[…]

OBI Reunited with Flying Foot Forum

Some of you may have heard OBI talk about working with Joe Chvala and the Flying Foot Forum on a residency at Carleton College last winter. Over the past few years, Joe has been creating a unique and exciting show based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (audience participation!).[…]

MN Original & Guests in Absentia for November Black Dog

If you’ve been following us on Facebook, you will have heard that the episode we filmed for MN Original was finally aired in October! We’re quite excited to have had the opportunity to be featured alongside two vibrant fine artists in the Twin Cities arts community. You can check out the[…]

May 12 Fundraiser & Kickstarter

As many of you know, Orkestar Bez Ime won the McKnight Fellowship for Performing Musicians last year. We decided to apply those funds to study abroad at Amala, a Romany cultural immersion school in Serbia. We’re so thankful to the McKnight Foundation for making a huge dent in the cost[…]